project( 'apk-tools', ['c'], default_options : ['c_std=gnu11', 'optimization=2', 'warning_level=1'], version: run_command('./', check: true).stdout().strip(), meson_version: '>=0.55' ) pkgc = import('pkgconfig') apk_confdir = get_option('sysconfdir') / 'apk' apk_libdir = get_option('libdir') lua_bin = find_program('lua' + get_option('lua_version'), required: get_option('help')) lua_dep = dependency('lua' + get_option('lua_version'), required: get_option('lua')) scdoc_dep = dependency('scdoc', version: '>=1.10', required: get_option('docs')) zlib_dep = dependency('zlib') zlib_static_dep = dependency('zlib', static: true) libzstd_dep = dependency('libzstd', required: get_option('zstd')) libzstd_static_dep = dependency('libzstd', required: get_option('zstd'), static: true) if get_option('crypto_backend') == 'openssl' crypto_dep = dependency('openssl') crypto_static_dep = dependency('openssl', static: true) elif get_option('crypto_backend') == 'mbedtls' crypto_dep = [ dependency('mbedtls'), dependency('mbedcrypto') ] crypto_static_dep = [ dependency('mbedtls', static: true), dependency('mbedcrypto', static: true) ] endif shared_deps = [ crypto_dep, zlib_dep, libzstd_dep ] static_deps = [ crypto_static_dep, zlib_static_dep, libzstd_static_dep ] add_project_arguments('-D_GNU_SOURCE', language: 'c') # Needed for 64-bit off_t and friends on glibc. add_project_arguments('-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64', language: 'c') # If we're a subproject we only want the static lib and not files subproject = meson.is_subproject() subdir('doc') subdir('portability') if get_option('url_backend') == 'libfetch' subdir('libfetch') else libfetch_dep = dependency('', required: false) endif subdir('src') subdir('tests')