diff options
authorKevin Daudt <kdaudt@alpinelinux.org>2021-10-18 21:33:07 +0200
committerKevin Daudt <kdaudt@alpinelinux.org>2021-10-18 21:44:17 +0200
commitdd4f6f6e6d042b6a61554aa239cf3c3f45ad310a (patch)
parentd0038a92201209608bfe609d3da577f3a1082e4f (diff)
minutes: split out into separate files
This makes it easier to find individual notes, especially when the amount of notes increases.
9 files changed, 302 insertions, 314 deletions
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index 0c05287..0e5daa4 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
# Alpine Linux Council
-* [Meeting minutes](minutes.md)
+* [Meeting minutes](minutes/)
* [Agenda items](agenda/)
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8804aae..0000000
--- a/minutes.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-# Alpine Linux council weekly meeting minutes
-## Meeting minutes 2021-08-24 (17:15 - 18:00)
-### Present
-* Chair: Natanael Copa
-* Scribe: Kevin Daudt
-* Carlo Landmeter
-* Kaarle Kunkku (Consultant)
-### Follow-up
-#### Write an article about the council
-Assigned to Kevin and Carlo. Has not been done yet. Need to pick a moment to do
-it. Provide a draft for ncopa. Need to make sure the article is clear for others
-and ensures this is not a major change in direction.
-#### Legal entity
-This is not urgent, so lets not rush it. We keep researching options and see
-what suits us. The [issue][issue6] provides some options.
-Main goal is to protect individual members from financial liability, though, at
-the moment no one is using personal their credit-card for hosting.
-Another goal is to protect individual members against legal action.
-Third goal is the be able to accept donations as an organization.
-The question is whether the overhead is worth the benefits, we will need to
-research that. We could contact projects like NLnet to ask for advise. Carlo can
-contact them.
-Conclusion: We will post-pone this issue for later.
-Follow-Up: Carlo
-#### Document the governance structure
-Assigned: Kevin
-Goal: Adjust the governance handbook to document the current structure.
-Follow-up: Kevin, ask Nathan Angelacos to help
-One thing to document: Who assigns the council members, how are members removed
-from the council and how to deal with members resigning.
-Our current view is that the council decides who will be on the council. We want
-to keep the direction of the project stable.
-Umbrella projects might expect a certain governance style. Has influence on what
-we do regarding legal entities.
-Is the TSC involved in any decision making regarding members? We could have
-special provisions in case for example someone disappears. It's a good idea to
-consult the TSC in general.
-Task: Document and communicate how the community can bring up issues.
-### New points
-#### How to handle monetary contributions
-Something documented on [the wiki][alpine-developers], but it's severely
-We probably want to move this to the official documentation.
-Question: who do we list as potential receivers of donations?
-Hypothetical situation: what if some company wants to buy Alpine Linux?
-A legal entity would help a lot with these situations. These issues have been
-handled until now, we could wait until the entity has been setup.
-Right now, we could point a potential donor to individual members.
-Task: remove the developers wiki page
-### Postponed
-* Document the scope of the Council
-[issue6]: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/council/-/issues/6
-## Meeting minutes 2021-06-22 (17:15 - 18:00)
-### Present
-* Scribe: Natanael Copa
-* Kevin Daudt
-* Chair: Carlo Landmeter
-### Follow up previous
-* Natanael has talked with every on the core team
-* Carlo has created TSC project in gitlab
-### meeting with TSC
-Things to discuss with the TSC:
-* how does it operate?
-* what is the responsibility scope?
-* how do you join/leave the TSC?
-## Meeting minutes 2021-06-15 (17:15 - 18:00)
-### Present
-* Natanael Copa
-* Chair: Kevin Daudt
-* Scribe: Carlo Landmeter
-### Follow up previous meeting
-* Writing an article about the council (Status: pending)
-### Agenda Item: MIPS Support
-* Drop support for 3.14
-* Try to bring support back in 3.14.1 when builder has catched up
-### Agenda Item: Legal entity
-* Create an issue to track it
-* Do we actually need it
-* The reason for now looks mostly financial
-* See how we could implement it and with support of some organization/structure
-* Would it matter in which country we set it up
-* Postpone further discussion for next month
-### Agenda Item: Commissioning the TSC
-* Create a TSC project (Follow up Kevin)
-* Setup an initial meeting with the members (Follow up Natanael)
-* Create an agenda to discus in our first TSC meeting (Follow up Carlo)
-* Do we need to have a TSC irc channel to discus sensitive matters
-## Meeting minutes 2021-06-08 (17:15 - 18:00)
-### Present
-* Chair: Natanael Copa
-* Scribe: Kevin Daudt
-* Carlo Landmeter
-### Follow-up previous meeting
-* libera.chat
- * Handled, Ariadne will handle the technical part
-* discord
- * Handled
-* TSC members from core team
- * All existing members who were contacted indicated they want to be part of
- the TSC, they understood it means a commitment.
- * Need to work out the details of the TSC, and document it
-### Agenda item: Drop mips64 for Alpine 3.14
-* No objection from the council. Follow up: ncopa
-* For new architectures, make sure we want to commit to stable releases
-### Agenda item: expectations from TSC members
-* Should be trusted and respected
-* Should have social skills, being able to coordinate
-* Example in following the code-of-conduct
-* Willing to mentor new TSC members
-* Not expected to be a permanent role
-### Agenda item: how do we improve communication with the community
-* *Problem*: how will people of the community know about the council, where meeting
- minutes are published, etc.
-* Make better use of the website, write an article about the council Follow-up:
- clandmeter, kdaudt
-* In addition, send it to the mailing list
-### Other points
-* Skip the meeting in the week of the 29th of June due to absence of members.
-## Meeting minutes 2021-06-01 (17:15 - 18:00)
-### Present
-* **Chair**: Carlo Landmeter
-* **Scribe**: Natanael Copa
-* Kevin Daudt
-### Agenda item: libera.chat IRC namespace & channels
-* Carlo follows up
-### Agenda item: Alpine discord
-* The council has nothing against endorsing discord as long as we have volunteers that can manage it and make sure that the
- Alpine Code of Conduct is followed. Carlo follows up.
-### Agenda item: TSC
-* Natanael follows up with current core team members
-* being a member should mean something, so members are expected to participate
-* we believe there will monthly meetings
-## Meeting minutes 2021-05-27 (17:15 - 18:00)
-### Present
-* **Chair**: Kevin Daudt
-* **Scribe**: Carlo Landmeter
-* Natanael Copa
-### Agenda item: The structure and role of the Technical Steering Committee (TSC)
-* TSC will be built around the current core team as defined in [Gitlab](https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/groups/Core/-/group_members)
-* TSC will coordinate all current teams
-* Current teams are:
- * Development
- * Infrastructure
- * Documentation
- * Security
- * Cloud
-* TSC will (for now) operate in a similar way as Fedora [FRESCo](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/#_common_tasks_and_responsibilities)
-* Each team will have assigned a team lead as currently defined or else defined by the TSC
-### Agenda item: Documenting process of the governance structure
-* Kevin will take responsibility in setting up the structure
-* Carlo will support in writing documentation
-### Agenda item: reschedule council meetings
-* Reschedule council meetings to Tuesday 17:15 weekly (instead of Thursday)
-### libera.chat IRC namespace & channels (Gitlab issue [#1](https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/council/-/issues/1))
-* Register the channels under the new group/namespace
-* Find users who are capable and interested to manage the IRC channels (Operators)
-* Delegate control to a group to manage channels and cloaks
-### Alpine discord (Gitlab issue [#2](https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/council/-/issues/2))
-* Postponed to next Council meeting due to time constraints
-### Action items
-#### Documenting process of the governance structure
-* Followup: @ikke
-* Deadline: TBD
-#### Register Libera.chat channels
-* Followup: @clandmeter
-* Deadline: 2021-06-1
-#### Delegate control over Libera channels and users
-* Followup: @clandmeter
-* Deadline: TBD
-## Meeting minutes 2021-05-21 (17:15 - 18:00)
-### Present
-* Chair: Natanael Copa
-* Scribe: Kevin Daudt
-* Carlo Landmeter
-### Agenda item: how to organize meetings
-* Roles will rotate each meeting
- * Chairman will collect agenda items and lead the meeting
- * Chairman sets up the meeting
- * Scribe will collect the agenda items before each meeting
- * Scribe will be responsible for the minutes
-* Each meeting will need to have a published agenda
-* Each decision will require a person that is responsible and a deadline
-* Meeting is time boxed (30-60 minutes)
-* Community can request agenda points via issues
-* Documentation should go in the governance handbook, based on decisions in the
- meeting
-* In the beginning: weekly meetings, on thursday 17:15 CEST
-### Agenda item: Technical steering committee
-* Question: what to do with the current core team?
-* Question: what is the role of the TSC
-* Followup: next week
-### Action items
-* Create a repository for the meetings.
- * Followup: @kdaudt
- * Deadline: 2021-05-27
-* Investigate the structure of fedora (TSC)
- * https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/
- * Followup: @kdaudt, @ncopa, @clandmeter
- * Deadline: 2021-05-27
diff --git a/minutes/2021-05-21.md b/minutes/2021-05-21.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed27d88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minutes/2021-05-21.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Meeting minutes 2021-05-21 (17:15 - 18:00)
+## Present
+* Chair: Natanael Copa
+* Scribe: Kevin Daudt
+* Carlo Landmeter
+## Agenda item: how to organize meetings
+* Roles will rotate each meeting
+ * Chairman will collect agenda items and lead the meeting
+ * Chairman sets up the meeting
+ * Scribe will collect the agenda items before each meeting
+ * Scribe will be responsible for the minutes
+* Each meeting will need to have a published agenda
+* Each decision will require a person that is responsible and a deadline
+* Meeting is time boxed (30-60 minutes)
+* Community can request agenda points via issues
+* Documentation should go in the governance handbook, based on decisions in the
+ meeting
+* In the beginning: weekly meetings, on thursday 17:15 CEST
+## Agenda item: Technical steering committee
+* Question: what to do with the current core team?
+* Question: what is the role of the TSC
+* Followup: next week
+## Action items
+* Create a repository for the meetings.
+ * Followup: @kdaudt
+ * Deadline: 2021-05-27
+* Investigate the structure of fedora (TSC)
+ * https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/
+ * Followup: @kdaudt, @ncopa, @clandmeter
+ * Deadline: 2021-05-27
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5786f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minutes/2021-05-27.md
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Meeting minutes 2021-05-27 (17:15 - 18:00)
+## Present
+* **Chair**: Kevin Daudt
+* **Scribe**: Carlo Landmeter
+* Natanael Copa
+## Agenda item: The structure and role of the Technical Steering Committee (TSC)
+* TSC will be built around the current core team as defined in [Gitlab](https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/groups/Core/-/group_members)
+* TSC will coordinate all current teams
+* Current teams are:
+ * Development
+ * Infrastructure
+ * Documentation
+ * Security
+ * Cloud
+* TSC will (for now) operate in a similar way as Fedora [FRESCo](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/#_common_tasks_and_responsibilities)
+* Each team will have assigned a team lead as currently defined or else defined by the TSC
+## Agenda item: Documenting process of the governance structure
+* Kevin will take responsibility in setting up the structure
+* Carlo will support in writing documentation
+## Agenda item: reschedule council meetings
+* Reschedule council meetings to Tuesday 17:15 weekly (instead of Thursday)
+## libera.chat IRC namespace & channels (Gitlab issue [#1](https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/council/-/issues/1))
+* Register the channels under the new group/namespace
+* Find users who are capable and interested to manage the IRC channels (Operators)
+* Delegate control to a group to manage channels and cloaks
+## Alpine discord (Gitlab issue [#2](https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/council/-/issues/2))
+* Postponed to next Council meeting due to time constraints
+## Action items
+### Documenting process of the governance structure
+* Followup: @ikke
+* Deadline: TBD
+### Register Libera.chat channels
+* Followup: @clandmeter
+* Deadline: 2021-06-1
+### Delegate control over Libera channels and users
+* Followup: @clandmeter
+* Deadline: TBD
diff --git a/minutes/2021-06-01.md b/minutes/2021-06-01.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c517e9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minutes/2021-06-01.md
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Meeting minutes 2021-06-01 (17:15 - 18:00)
+## Present
+* **Chair**: Carlo Landmeter
+* **Scribe**: Natanael Copa
+* Kevin Daudt
+## Agenda item: libera.chat IRC namespace & channels
+* Carlo follows up
+## Agenda item: Alpine discord
+* The council has nothing against endorsing discord as long as we have volunteers that can manage it and make sure that the
+ Alpine Code of Conduct is followed. Carlo follows up.
+## Agenda item: TSC
+* Natanael follows up with current core team members
+* being a member should mean something, so members are expected to participate
+* we believe there will monthly meetings
diff --git a/minutes/2021-06-08.md b/minutes/2021-06-08.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e56ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minutes/2021-06-08.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Meeting minutes 2021-06-08 (17:15 - 18:00)
+## Present
+* Chair: Natanael Copa
+* Scribe: Kevin Daudt
+* Carlo Landmeter
+## Follow-up previous meeting
+* libera.chat
+ * Handled, Ariadne will handle the technical part
+* discord
+ * Handled
+* TSC members from core team
+ * All existing members who were contacted indicated they want to be part of
+ the TSC, they understood it means a commitment.
+ * Need to work out the details of the TSC, and document it
+## Agenda item: Drop mips64 for Alpine 3.14
+* No objection from the council. Follow up: ncopa
+* For new architectures, make sure we want to commit to stable releases
+## Agenda item: expectations from TSC members
+* Should be trusted and respected
+* Should have social skills, being able to coordinate
+* Example in following the code-of-conduct
+* Willing to mentor new TSC members
+* Not expected to be a permanent role
+## Agenda item: how do we improve communication with the community
+* *Problem*: how will people of the community know about the council, where meeting
+ minutes are published, etc.
+* Make better use of the website, write an article about the council Follow-up:
+ clandmeter, kdaudt
+* In addition, send it to the mailing list
+## Other points
+* Skip the meeting in the week of the 29th of June due to absence of members.
diff --git a/minutes/2021-06-15.md b/minutes/2021-06-15.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5943ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minutes/2021-06-15.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Meeting minutes 2021-06-15 (17:15 - 18:00)
+## Present
+* Natanael Copa
+* Chair: Kevin Daudt
+* Scribe: Carlo Landmeter
+## Follow up previous meeting
+* Writing an article about the council (Status: pending)
+## Agenda Item: MIPS Support
+* Drop support for 3.14
+* Try to bring support back in 3.14.1 when builder has catched up
+## Agenda Item: Legal entity
+* Create an issue to track it
+* Do we actually need it
+* The reason for now looks mostly financial
+* See how we could implement it and with support of some organization/structure
+* Would it matter in which country we set it up
+* Postpone further discussion for next month
+## Agenda Item: Commissioning the TSC
+* Create a TSC project (Follow up Kevin)
+* Setup an initial meeting with the members (Follow up Natanael)
+* Create an agenda to discus in our first TSC meeting (Follow up Carlo)
+* Do we need to have a TSC irc channel to discus sensitive matters
diff --git a/minutes/2021-06-22.md b/minutes/2021-06-22.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dfb49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minutes/2021-06-22.md
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Meeting minutes 2021-06-22 (17:15 - 18:00)
+## Present
+* Scribe: Natanael Copa
+* Kevin Daudt
+* Chair: Carlo Landmeter
+## Follow up previous
+* Natanael has talked with every on the core team
+* Carlo has created TSC project in gitlab
+## meeting with TSC
+Things to discuss with the TSC:
+* how does it operate?
+* what is the responsibility scope?
+* how do you join/leave the TSC?
diff --git a/minutes/2021-08-24.md b/minutes/2021-08-24.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d05d2a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minutes/2021-08-24.md
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Meeting minutes 2021-08-24 (17:15 - 18:00)
+## Present
+* Chair: Natanael Copa
+* Scribe: Kevin Daudt
+* Carlo Landmeter
+* Kaarle Kunkku (Consultant)
+## Follow-up
+### Write an article about the council
+Assigned to Kevin and Carlo. Has not been done yet. Need to pick a moment to do
+it. Provide a draft for ncopa. Need to make sure the article is clear for others
+and ensures this is not a major change in direction.
+### Legal entity
+This is not urgent, so lets not rush it. We keep researching options and see
+what suits us. The [issue][issue6] provides some options.
+Main goal is to protect individual members from financial liability, though, at
+the moment no one is using personal their credit-card for hosting.
+Another goal is to protect individual members against legal action.
+Third goal is the be able to accept donations as an organization.
+The question is whether the overhead is worth the benefits, we will need to
+research that. We could contact projects like NLnet to ask for advise. Carlo can
+contact them.
+Conclusion: We will post-pone this issue for later.
+Follow-Up: Carlo
+### Document the governance structure
+Assigned: Kevin
+Goal: Adjust the governance handbook to document the current structure.
+Follow-up: Kevin, ask Nathan Angelacos to help
+One thing to document: Who assigns the council members, how are members removed
+from the council and how to deal with members resigning.
+Our current view is that the council decides who will be on the council. We want
+to keep the direction of the project stable.
+Umbrella projects might expect a certain governance style. Has influence on what
+we do regarding legal entities.
+Is the TSC involved in any decision making regarding members? We could have
+special provisions in case for example someone disappears. It's a good idea to
+consult the TSC in general.
+Task: Document and communicate how the community can bring up issues.
+## New points
+### How to handle monetary contributions
+Something documented on [the wiki][alpine-developers], but it's severely
+We probably want to move this to the official documentation.
+Question: who do we list as potential receivers of donations?
+Hypothetical situation: what if some company wants to buy Alpine Linux?
+A legal entity would help a lot with these situations. These issues have been
+handled until now, we could wait until the entity has been setup.
+Right now, we could point a potential donor to individual members.
+Task: remove the developers wiki page
+## Postponed
+* Document the scope of the Council
+[issue6]: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/council/-/issues/6